Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Recommended age: 3 year-old ++
Who would love this: Playful and interactive book lovers
I have a list of favourite children writers, including the whimsical Harve Tullet (you gotta love his colours-bursting fun collection like “Press Here”, “Mix It Up”, and “Let’s Play”). BUT, have you ever heard of “Find The Dots” by paper engineer Andy Mansfield? This book is insanely fun, jam-packed with happy surprises, and non-stop activities! We were THRILLED exploring this book, and we are absolutely IN LOVE with it! Thank you Kids Develop Store for sending this over for a review! ❤️
Why I love ❤️ this toy (ehem, I mean, book):
(1) 10 Fun Puzzles - This book doesn’t just think outside the box, it chucks away any shape resembles a box and creates a brand new experience of reading! 10 marvellous puzzles hidden within this unassuming hardcover book; each page brings us smile and delightful discovery! It started with a playful “Find 1 red dot” that requires the reader to fold in four flaps towards the middle to reveal a hidden red dot. We also get to challenge ourselves with a “two spinners game” to discover 3 pink dots, looked for 6 blue dots using the reflection of mirror, pulled multiple tabs horizontally and vertically to spot 7 red dots, and busily searched through an inventive pop-up 3D polka dots cube to find 10 elusive orange dots! This book is unique, clever, simply irresistible!
(2) Engaging Games for Fine-Motor Skills Training - It’s fascinating to watch my three-year-old lifting, pulling, folding, spinning, and exploring the book in all-sorts of creative ways to solve the puzzles and locate the dots! This is a super smart concept book that makes training of fine-motor skill extremely entertaining and engaging!
(3) Colours + Counting - This book is fantastic for colours recognition and counting exercise. We love the brilliant palette of colours, and I really like how the book arranges the challenges in progressive difficulty levels.
(4) Good Quality - Lift and flap books are notorious for being easily destructible. But this book, despite all its simple to complex mechanisms, has survived the repeated testings and multiple handlings by my two kids so far. It is still intact like brand new. 👍
This innovative book is available for purchase from Kids Develop Store. I highly recommend it!
# gifted in exchange for review
Where to buy this:
Enjoy the video!
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