Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Recommended age: 3 year-old ++
Who would love this: Parents + young kids who enjoy learning through play!
We received a LOGICO Primo frame and learning card sets from LOGICO (Australia) for review, and we are THRILLED! We have a super exciting weekend testing out the “LOGICO Primo- Thinking Skills” set, and I can’t wait to tell you more about it today!
Why I love ❤️ this set:
(1) Clever & Engaging Educational Game - LOGICO is a cleverly-designed educational game with great expandable potential. It reminds me of an IPad learning game, but minus the negative effects associated with electronic device. It also reminds me of a traditional “draw a line to match” worksheet, but in a more entertaining and tactile way! I am amazed watching my three-year-old repeatedly performed and completed her “3-steps mental process” when resolving the puzzles: first, she identified the answer; next, she matched the colours; Lastly, she pushed the 6 colourful PRIMO buttons around the board to position them at their correct spots. It looks complex, yet somehow it makes sense to the kids!
(2) Perfect For 3-Year-Old & Above - The “Thinking Skills” set contains 16 engaging and age-appropriate logic games for a 3-year-old with appealing illustrations. We enjoyed the games, from “finding the missing part”, matching the right “tool” to an activity (eg scissors to craftwork), and identifying the “missing” object. I love that the level gets more challenging progressively; it started off with straightforward tasks, and gradually moves to something trickier that command greater thinking skills (eg the “match the butterflies” game requires kids to closely observe the differences between 6 butterflies that have substantially similar patterns and colours). There is never a dull moment with LOGICO!
(3) Self-Check Answers - Once the kids have resolved the puzzles, they can flip the learning cards over and compare the answers. The self-checking system is amazing. My girl LOVES that she can play with this independently!
(4) Quality - The PRIMO frame is light-weight but solid. The push buttons are easy to manoeuvre, and I love that it doesn’t have any loose components, meaning we can easily bring LOGICO around. It can be played in the car, on the couch, or anywhere!
Stay tuned for more reviews of LOGICO activity sets!
# gifted in exchange for review
Where to buy this:
LOGICO Primo - Thinking Skills: https://www.logicotoys.com.au/collections/logico-primo/products/logico-primo-thinking-skills
LOGICO Primo Frame: https://www.logicotoys.com.au/collections/logico-primo/products/logico-primo-frame
Enjoy the video!
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