Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Recommended age: 7 year-old ++
Who would love this: Anyone who loves word games (Codenames, Scrabble, and the like)
There are certain types of games - you either love it or hate it. I think word games fall squarely into such category. Leisure Learning sent us this “Cross Clues” from Blue Orange for review recently. If you are a fan of “Codenames”, “Scrabble”, or any word games in general - THIS is for you!
Why I love ❤️ this game:
(1) Fun Word Game - Cross Clues is a cooperative party game about finding links between pair of words. The rules are pretty simple; all players are both clue-giver and clue-guesser. Each player draws a Clue Card, think of a clever “clue word”; and everyone else work together to guess the location on the grid where two code words intersected. The “clue” must be a single word and must not share a root with either code word. The game can be rather frustrating when you are stuck with a series of non-sensical combinations. BUT, on those occasions when we figured out clever associations between pairs of random words, oh that sense of achievement is so incredibly satisfying! For example, the clue for “Pig” and “Small” for our family is “Peppa”; “Banana” and “Dessert” is “Fritters”, “Smart” and “Costume” makes “Tuxedo”. The game is easy to learn, suitable for kids as young as 7, and generally, quick and sweet!
(2) No Downtime - I love that everyone can participate simultaneously as both clue-giver and clue-guesser. There is never a “downtime” or dull moment; everyone has a clue card, and can shout out a clue whenever a player is ready. Players can discuss / argue/ fight amongst themselves, before coming to a consensus for each guess.
(3) Awesome Replay Value - This game has great replay value - there are plenty of words for different combinations (no two games are ever the same). Included within are 10 Axis Tiles, 25 Clue Cards, 50 Code Word Cards (double-sided, 4 words on each card), and a 5-minutes sand timer. We can start with an easy 3x3 grid, before moving on to the more challenging 4x4 and 5x5. Alternatively, if you want to ramp up the challenge, use the sand timer!
(4) Work Cooperatively - The kids love cooperative games - everyone wins or loses together. Everyone can have a great laugh whilst pushing themselves to the next level of words challenge!
# gifted in exchange for review
Where to buy this:
Leisure Learning (Australia)
Enjoy the video!
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