Rating: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Recommended age: 7 year-old ++
Who would love this: Kids who love mathematics / learning through play
I LOVE educational resources that combine games with learning. We recently tested out the “Multiplication Dominoes” from Junior Learning, and I’m really impressed with the idea of turning a daunting number subject into a FUN little challenge!
Why I love ❤️ this set:
(1) 28 Dominies To Challenge Multiplication Skills
Included in this set are 28 specially-designed dominoes to challenge your multiplication skills! Like the classic dominoes, each of the rectangular tile is made up of a front surface with a line separating it into two equal squares. The white square shows the multiplication equation/ question, and the purple side shows a number / answer. To start the game, place all the dominoes face down. Each player takes 7 starting dominoes. The players take turn to match the end of a domino to form a multiplication chain. If a player can’t play a domino, then a spare tile will be added to the hands. The first player who have matched all their dominoes, wins the game. Of course, you can also do a single-person challenge using a timer, and record how long it takes to complete all 28 multiplication questions. Our 7 year-old did a few rounds of challenges in one go, and was absolutely thrilled to see the improvement of his recorded time after each round! What I LOVE most is the self-checking feature of these tiles; if you pair all the dominoes correctly, the tiles should form a circular link that will connect the last piece to the first starting tile.
(2) Dominoes With Multiplication Equations, Picture Clues, & More
I love the fun design of the tiles that displays the multiplication equations in various ways; some of the equations are accompanied with picture clues (for example, the “2x4” equation is also represented by picture of two hands - each with 4 fingers held up; At the top of the equation of “5x2”, there are two dice, each has 5 pips on it). Some of the multiplication questions are written in vertical format with the digits lined up by their place value. These tiles are awesome for young kids to kickstart their multiplication journey.
(3) Solid & Good Quality Dominoes & Storage Tin
I love the solid and thick quality of the tiles. The dominoes are compactly packaged in a handy collectors tin - perfect as a travel game, and easy for storage.
# gifted in exchange for review
Where to buy this:
https://juniorlearning.com.au/products/jl483-multiplication-dominoes?_pos=8&_sid=375c95c44&_ss=r (Australia)
Enjoy the video!
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